.. _integrator_shortener: Configure short URL =================== The configuration in ``vars.yaml`` looks like this: .. code:: yaml # SMTP configuration could be already there if needed by other feature smtp: host: smtp.example.com:465 ssl: true user: password: starttls: false shortener: # The base of created URL base_url: https://{host}/{apache_entry_point}s/ # Used to send a confirmation email email_from: info@camptocamp.com email_subject: You have created the following short URL email_body: | Hello, You have created the following short URL: short URL: %(short_url)s full URL: %(full_url)s The Mapfish team # length (default) of ref of new short url # Can be change when you want # max 20 (size of the column) length: 4 The shortened URL is sent by email to the current registered user email address unless another address has been provided through the email field in the viewer interface. If the SMTP host ends with a colon (`:`) followed by a number, and there is no port specified, that suffix will be stripped off and the number interpreted as the port number to use. Replace the ``smtp.example.com`` value by a working SMTP server name.