PDF Reporting

c2cgeoportal offers a pdfreport webservice that can be used to generate advanced PDF reports about a given feature.

It is based upon Mapfish Print version 3 and Jasper Reports.

The webservice is called using the following URL schema: https://<host><entrypoint>/pdfreport/<layername>/<featureid>.


The service is configured in the main vars.yaml file of the project, as shown in the following example:

        print_url: '{print_url}'
        layer-defaults: &pdfreport-layer-default
            ogcserver: source for image/png
            check_credentials: True
            srs: EPSG:21781
                backgroundlayers: [grp_ly_tilegenerierung_landeskarte]
                imageformat: image/png
        map-defaults: &pdfreport-map-default
            backgroundlayers: []
            imageformat: image/png
            zoomType: extent
            minScale: 1000
                fillColor: red
                fillOpacity: 0.2
                -   strokeColor: red
                    strokeWidth: 1
                    type: point
                    pointRadius: 10
                <<: *pdfreport-layer-default
                    <<: *pdfreport-map-default
                        - grp_ly_tilegenerierung_landeskarte
                        - ly_a020_belastete_standorte_point
                    imageformat: image/jpeg
                <<: *pdfreport-layer-default
                    layout: some_template_name
                    outputFormat: pdf
                        ids: %(ids)s
                <<: *pdfreport-layer-default
                    -   <<: *pdfreport-map-default
                            - grp_ly_tilegenerierung_landeskarte
                    -   <<: *pdfreport-map-default
                            - ly_a020_belastete_standorte_point
    - pdfreport

Regarding the configuration parameters,

  • print_url is the local URL of the MapFish Print instance.
  • defaults contains the default values of parameters not provided explicitly for a given layer.
  • layers is an optional per-layer list of settings specific to the listed layers. The entries of the list are the layernames provided as argument of the webservice. If a layer is not listed, the default parameters above are used.

defaults and layers-specific parameters are:

  • ogcserver: the name of OGC server to use.
  • check_credentials: boolean, defines whether layer credentials are checked before generating the report. Defaults to True.
  • srs: projection code (required when showing the map).
  • spec: optional template used to build the spec argument sent to the MapFish Print webapp.
  • map: optional, the map configuration.
  • maps: optional, a list of map configurations.

The map configuration can contains the following:

  • backgroundlayers: string containing a comma-separated list of WMS layers that should be displayed on the map. If the current layer must also be displayed, it should be added to the list. Please note that layernames must be embedded in double-quotes (“). Defaults to "".

  • imageformat: format of the generated map. Defaults to image/png.

  • zoomType: The type of zoom, default is extent.

  • minScale: The minimum zoom scale, default is 1000.

  • style: The style used, default is:

    fillColor: red
    fillOpacity: 0.2
    - strokeColor: red
      strokeWidth: 1
      type: point
      pointRadius: 10

The variables are passed to the spec template using the %(<variable name>)s syntax:

  • layername: name of the layer.
  • ids: JSON representation of the features id.
  • srs: projection code.
  • mapserv_url: URL of the MapServer proxy.
  • vector_request_url: URL of the WFS GetFeature request retrieving the feature geometry in GML.

Configuration of the reports

If you use the ids in an SQL query, you should use $X{IN, <column_name>, $P{ids}} to avoid SQL injection, see also the JasperReports documentation.