.. _integrator_checker: Automated check =============== c2cgeoportal applications include functionality for testing and assessing that the application is functioning correctly, i.e. that its web services respond as expected. For this purpose, c2cgeoportal provides a *checker* and a *check_collector*. These (especially the collector) are meant to be used by a monitoring system like Nagios to check that the application is alive. They integrate into c2cwsgiutils's health check service. The return codes are: * ``200`` => OK * ``500`` => Error .. Note:: Check collector can only check pages that are on the same server as itself. You can access the health_check service with this kind of url: /c2c/health_check?max_level=3 The levels used in the default configuration (recommended settings): * ``1``: Fatal checkers (main database connection, alembic versions). * ``2``: Vital checkers (other database connection, redis connexions, versions). * ``3``: Quick internal checks. * ``4``: Slow service checks (phantomjs checks, theme). * ``5``: Service checks (caution: these can result in costs, for example, print a page). * ``10``: collector of different sites. See also: https://github.com/camptocamp/c2cwsgiutils/#health-checks The recommended URL that should be checked by services such as Pingdom or StatusCake: /c2c/health_check?checks=check_collector The recommended URL to use to validate a migration (``checker_url`` in ``proect.yaml.mako``): /c2c/health_check?max_level=9 .. note:: In a non Docker project, the ```` should end with ``/wsgi``. Checker ------- The checker uses the following configuration structure in ``vars.yaml``: .. code:: yaml vars: # Global configuration ... checker: # Checker configurations .. note:: If some of the checked services require an authenticated user, the ``forward_headers`` configuration allows to forward ``Cookie`` or ``Authorisation`` headers from the underlying requests. .. code:: yaml checker: forward_headers: ['Cookie', 'Authorisation'] .. note:: The checker assumes that it can access the c2cgeoportal services via ``http://localhost``. If this is not allowed on your server, you can override this behaviour as follows. In your ``vars`` file, add the following: .. code:: yaml vars: checker: rewrite_as_http_localhost: False Now, in your configuration file ``project.yaml.mako``, instead of defining the ``checker_path``, define a ``checker_url`` with the full URL to be used, for example: .. code:: yaml ... host: ${host} checker_url: https://${host}${entrypoint}check_collector? ... ``print`` ~~~~~~~~~ Check the print version 3.x (try to print a page). Uses as spec the ``spec`` from configuration. ``fulltextsearch`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check that the Full-text search service returns an element. Uses the ``search`` from configuration as text to search. ``themes`` ~~~~~~~~~~ Check that the theme has no error for all interfaces present in the database. Uses the ``themes`` configuration: .. code:: yaml themes: params: # Dictionary that represents the query string : params: # Dictionary that represents the query string level: 2 ``lang`` ~~~~~~~~ Check that all the language files are present. Uses the global configuration ``available_locale_names``, and the checker configuration ``files``, an array of strings that must be in ``[cgxp-api, ngeo]``. ``routes`` ~~~~~~~~~~ Check some routes, configured in ``routes`` as array of objects with: * ``name``: the route name. * ``display_name``: the name to be displayed. * ``params``: the used query string as a dictionary. * ``level`` In the configuration, we can also fill the ``routes_disable`` to disable some routes. ``phantomjs`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check with phantomjs that the pages load correctly without errors, using the ``routes`` configuration as an array of route names to check: * ``name``: the route name. * ``params``: the query string to use, configured as a dictionary. * ``level`` Infrastructure -------------- If you experience connection issues with your checker, the following configuration options may be useful for you: .. code:: yaml vars: checker: [base_internal_url]: URL like http://localhost:8080 [forward_host]: Check collector --------------- Used to collect checks from a different instance in the parent/children structure. It is useful to perform a set of checks all at once. The check collector uses the following configuration structure: .. code:: yaml vars: # Global configuration ... check_collector: max_level: 1 level: 2 hosts: [] The ``max_level`` is the default max_level parameter used for every host. The ``max_level`` option can be set for a host to override it. To add a host: .. code:: yaml vars: check_collector: hosts: - display: Child url: https://{host}/child max_level: 1 update_paths: - check_collector.hosts