

The main page where we can redefine the header is in the file: <package>/templates/<interface>.html, where <interface> is the interface name or “index” for the default interface.

The viewer (map and all related tools) is defined in the file: <package>/static-ngeo/js/<interface>.js, where <interface> is the interface name or “main” for the default interface.

Finally, the image should be placed in the folder <package>/static-ngeo/images/.

The style sheet file for the whole project is <package>/static-ngeo/less/<package>.less.

The style sheet file for a specific interface is <package>/static-ngeo/less/<interface>.less.

HTML file

In this file, you can add some blocks like

<gmf-authentication id="login" class="slide" data-header-title="Login">

to include a directive.

You can find the available directives in the ngeo documentation in the sections gmf/Directives and ngeo/Directives.

The controller (js file) is commonly named mainCtrl. So you can use a value from the controller by doing the following (here, the controller is the DesktopController):

<html lang="{{desktopCtrl.lang}}" ng-app="mydemo" ng-controller="DesktopController as mainCtrl">
  <gmf-mydirective gmf-mydirective-variableproperty=""

The js constants of the application are defined at the end of the file:

  (function() {
     var module = angular.module('<package>');
     var serverVars = {
          * Here the i18n is configured
       serviceUrls: {
          * Here you configure the services URL
     module.constant('serverVars', serverVars);

Controller (js file)

In the controller you have some lines like:

/** @suppress {extraRequire} */

This is needed to include the javascript of the used directives.

The map configuration will be here:

      this, {
        srid: 21781,
        mapViewConfig: {
          center: [632464, 185457],
          zoom: 3,
          resolutions: [250, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05]
      $scope, $injector);


If you previously had a CGXP application and want to keep your permalinks compatible, the resolutions should be the same as in the previous application.

Dynamic.js view

To configure the ngeo constants with dynamic or configurable values, you can use the dynamic view.

This view is configurable in the vars files in the section interfaces_config. The sub section is the interface name, and after that we have:

  • redirect_interface: interface to be redirected to if an unexpected device type is used (mobile/desktop).
  • do_redirect: directly do the redirect.
  • constants: directly define an angular constant in the vars file.
  • routes: key: constant name, value: name of the route witch one we want to have the URL.
  • static: key: constant name, value: name of the static view that we want to have the URL.
  • fulltextsearch_params: additional parameters to the full text search view, see Full-Text Search for more information.
  • wfs_permalink: additional values for the ngeoWfsPermalinkOptions constant, see: ngeox.WfsPermalinkOptions for more information.