.. _integrator_caching: Caching ======= Headers ------- By default most of the elements will be cached for 10 days by the browser. To change this value for the whole application, change in the ``vars.yaml`` file the ``vars/default_max_age`` value. ``0`` will mean ``no-cache``. The specified value is in seconds. To change this value for a specific service add the following structure in the ``vars.yaml``: .. code:: yaml vars: headers: : cache_control_max_age: ... update_paths: - headers. Where ```` can be: ``entry``, ``fulltextsearch``, ``mapserver``, ``print`` or ``layers`` (editing). Internal -------- The application also has an internal cache, that will be invalidated on application start and after each modification in the ``Theme`` or the ``RestrictionArea``. The internal cache can also be invalidated by calling the URL ``http:////wsgi/invalidate``.