
Adding the print feature to a c2cgeoportal project involves adding a cgxp.plugins.Print plugin to the viewer, and configuring the MapFish Print.

The Print plugin

The viewer should include a Print plugin for the print feature to be available in the user interface.

See the Print API doc for the list of options the plugin can receive.

The main viewer includes a Print plugin by default.

Using MapFish Print v3

Migration from the v2

Start the migration by instantiating the default template:

cd <project_root>
cp -r print ~
git rm -r print
SRID=-1 .build/venv/bin/pcreate --interactive --scaffold c2cgeoportal_create --package-name <package> /tmp/<project>
.build/venv/bin/pcreate --interactive --scaffold c2cgeoportal_update --package-name <package> /tmp/<project>
mv /tmp/<project>/print .
rm -rf /tmp/<project>

Then in ~/print you will have a backup of the old template, and in the print folder you will have the new print configuration.

In the <package>.mk you should remove the PRINT_VERSION = 2 (it is 3 by default).

In the concerned viewer javascript files, in the cgxp_print plugin add the following lines:

version: 3,
encodeLayer: {},
encodeExternalLayer: {},
additionalAttributes: []

Template configuration

All print-related files are located in the print/ folder, and the files related to the template in the print/print-apps/<package> folder.

The main configuration file is print/print-apps/<package>/config.yaml.

MapFish Print v2 configuration

All print-related files are located in the print/ folder.

The main file (print/config.yaml) used to define your print template written in YAML format.

Spec attributes

With CGXP we have the following spec attributes:

On each page:

  • center Center (standard).
  • rotation Map rotation (standard).
  • scale Scale (standard).
  • showMap Used to show the map.
  • showMapframe Used to show the border on the map page. [1]
  • showNorth Used to show the arrow on the map page. [1]
  • showScale Used to show the scale bar on the map page. [1]
  • showScaleValue Used to show the scale on the map page. [1]
  • showAttr Used to show the table on the query result pages. [2]
  • showMapQueryResult Not used, true for the query result pages. [2]
  • col0 - coln: Column tiles for the query result pages.
  • table: Query result table.
[1](1, 2, 3, 4) is true on the map page and false on query result pages
[2](1, 2) is true on the query result pages and false on map page


  • dpi The DPI (standard).
  • layout The used layout (standard).
  • srs The EPSG code (standard).
  • unit The unit (standard).
  • legend The legend (standard).
  • title The document title.
  • comment The document description.


If you use Mako templates for generating the print configuration, to prevent character ‘$’ from being incorrectly interpreted, use <%text>$</%text>{attribute} in place of ${attribute}.

Mako templating

If you intend to have more than one paper format for your PDF print output, a templating system is implemented to allow you to use mako template so you do not have to duplicate a huge quantity of code in your print/config.yaml.

In the default template we have two base print template A4_portrait.mako and A3_landscape.mako where we have some blocks like:

<%def name="title()">    1 A4 portrait    </%def>

And in print/templates/A3_landscape_inherit.mako and print/templates/A4_portrait_inherit.mako thoses block will be redefined.

The print.yaml.mako has the “header” part and includes the wanted templates.

Using backgroundPdf parameter

In print configuration you can use a PDF as a background image. You should put the PDF file in the print directory and use <%text>$</%text>{configDir}/template_A4_portrait.pdf for the value of backgroundPdf parameter.

The print.yaml.mako has the “header” part and includes the wanted templates.

Using a single print server in a set of sites

For memory issues it is recommended to only use a single print server for a set of sites.

For that we need to have only one vars_<project>.yaml which can easily be generated by the templating. Then we should do:

  • Remove the print from the children projects by removing the print folder:

    git rm print
  • Deactivate the print compilation by adding the following lines in the <package>.mk file:

  • Point to the parent print server by editing the following lines in the vars_<package>.yaml file:

        # For print proxy
        # This value means that we use the parent print server
        print_url: http://{host}:8080/print-{parent_instanceid}/pdf/
  • If needed set the print templates used by anonymous users by adding the following in the application configuration (vars_<package>.yaml):

              - 1 A4 child
              - 2 A3 child


In the user vars of children projects, the parent_instanceid should be defined so that it works in the user dev environment.


This system works for print v2 but must be adapted for print v3 (although that is the same idea).

Having a dedicated print instance

The goal is to be able to create a custom makefile with which one we make:

make -f <file>.mk

To have only the print.

For this, create a makefile with:

BUILD_RULES = test-packages print
TEST_PACKAGES = main print