

The main page where we can redefine the header is in the file: <package>/templates/<interface>.html.

Where <interface> is the interface name or “index” for the default interface.

The viewer (map and all related tools) is define in the file: <package>/static-ngeo/js/<interface>.js.

Where <interface> is the interface name or “main” for the default interface.

And finally the image should be placed in the folder is <package>/static-ngeo/images/.

The style sheet file for all the project is <package>/static-ngeo/less/<package>.less.

The style sheet file for one interface is <package>/static-ngeo/less/<interface>.less.

HTML file

In this file you can add some blocks like:

<gmf-authentication id="login" class="slide" data-header-title="Login">

Witch is used to include a directive.

You can find the available directive in the ngeo documentation in the sections gmf/Directives and ngeo/Directives.

All the directives should provide an example.

The controller (js file) is commonly named mainCtrl. So you can use a value from the controller by doing this (here, the controller is the DesktopController):

<html lang="{{desktopCtrl.lang}}" ng-app="mydemo" ng-controller="DesktopController as mainCtrl">
  <gmf-mydirective gmf-mydirective-variableproperty=""

The js constants of the application are defined at the end of the file:

  (function() {
     var module = angular.module('<package>');
     var serverVars = {
          * Here the i18n is configured
       serviceUrls: {
          * Here you configure the services URL
     module.constant('serverVars', serverVars);

Controller (js file)

In the controler you have some lines like:

/** @suppress {extraRequire} */

This is needed to include the javascript of the used directives.

The map configuration will be here:

      this, {
        srid: 21781,
        mapViewConfig: {
          center: [632464, 185457],
          zoom: 3,
          resolutions: [250, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05]
      $scope, $injector);


The resolutions should be the same as in the previus CGXP application to have backward compatible permalinks.

Background layers

The background layers are configured in the database, with the layer group named background (by default).

WMTS Layers

To make the WMTS queryable you should add those Metadata:

  • ogcServer with the name of the used OGC server,
  • wmsLayers or queryLayers with the layers to query (groups not supported).

To print the layers in the high quality you you should add those Metadata:

  • ogcServer with the name of the used OGC server,
  • wmsLayers or printLayers with the layers to print.


See also: Metadata, OGC Server.

Add a new interface

Be sure you have all the required files:

mkdir demo/static-ngeo
cp -r CONST_create_template/demo/static-ngeo/components demo/static-ngeo/
cp -r CONST_create_template/demo/static-ngeo/images demo/static-ngeo/
mkdir demo/static-ngeo/js
cp CONST_create_template/demo/static-ngeo/js/<package>module.js demo/static-ngeo/js/
mkdir demo/static-ngeo/less
cp CONST_create_template/demo/static-ngeo/less/<package>.less demo/static-ngeo/less/
# Add all the new files to Git
git add demo/static-ngeo

Get the default interface files, for the mobile:

cp CONST_create_template/<package>/templates/mobile.html <package>/templates/<inferface>.html
cp CONST_create_template/<package>/static-ngeo/less/mobile.less <package>/templates/<inferface>.less
cp CONST_create_template/<package>/static-ngeo/js/mobile.js <package>/static-ngeo/js/<inferface>.js

Get the default interface files, for the desktop:

cp CONST_create_template/<package>/templates/desktop.html <package>/templates/<inferface>.html
cp CONST_create_template/<package>/static-ngeo/less/desktop.less <package>/templates/<inferface>.less
cp CONST_create_template/<package>/static-ngeo/js/desktop.js <package>/static-ngeo/js/<inferface>.js

Add them to Git:

git add <package>/templates/<inferface>.html
git add <package>/templates/<inferface>.less
git add <package>/static-ngeo/js/<inferface>.js

Update the interface in your <package>/ file:

add_interface(config, "<interface>", INTERFACE_TYPE_NGEO)

The used method has the following API:

add_interface(config, interface_name="desktop", interface_type=INTERFACE_TYPE_CGXP, **kwargs)

Where config is the application configuration object,

interface_name is the name specified in the interface table, also used to create the route path,

interface_type may be either INTERFACE_TYPE_CGXP, INTERFACE_TYPE_NGEO or INTERFACE_TYPE_NGEO_CATALOGUE. Constants available in c2cgeoportal.


The administration interface gives access to an interface table that lists the available interfaces (or pages) of the application. The default interfaces are desktop add mobile.


Enable the checker for the new interface.

We suggest to add only the main checker in the defaults it is what is done by default.

And in the all (vars.checker.all) check all the ngeo interface in standard and debug mode:

- name: <interface>
    no_redirect: true
- name: <interface>
    no_redirect: true
    debug: true

By default it is done for the desktop and mobile interface.


Adding additional external dependencies requires declaring them as externs. This prevents the closure-compiler from renaming the objects and their properties and allows type-checking. Good examples for such externs can be found in ngeo or directly in the closure-compiler project.

Project-specific externs are best placed in <package>/static-ngeo/externs/.

These externs need to be referenced in the MAKO_BUILD_ARGS variable in your <package>.mk, example:

MAKO_BUILD_ARGS = --var externs=package/static-ngeo/externs/recaptcha.js,package/static-ngeo/externs/anotherdep.js