
ngeo and server

In the <package>.mk file define the supported language with (default):

In the vars_<package>.yaml file define the available and default language:

Build your application

The file to translate are:

  • demo/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/demo-client.po for ngeo client
  • demo/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/demo-server.po for the server part (Should be empty for ngeo interfaces)


All the #, fuzzy strings should be verified ans the line should be removed. (if the line is not removed the localisation will not be used.)


Translations of the browser interfaces (main viewer, edit interfaces and APIs) are included in two kinds of Javascript files stored in <package>/static/js/Proj/Lang/:

  • <lang>.js is used to translate data-related strings such as layernames or attributenames (in interrogation results). It is based upon the OpenLayers translation syntax. For instance:

    OpenLayers.Util.extend(OpenLayers.Lang.<lang>, {
        "layertree": "Themes"
  • GeoExt-<lang>.js is used to adapt the translations of existing plugins/widgets or to add translations of project-specific plugins. It is based upon the GeoExt translation syntax. Key-value translation pairs are encapsulated by class. For instance:

    GeoExt.Lang.add("<lang>", {
        "cgxp.tree.LayerTree.prototype": {
            moveupText: "Move up"


<lang> is the ISO 639-1 code. For example: en, de or fr.


Standard translations for CGXP plugins/widgets strings are available on Github.


Translations from both OpenLayers- and GeoExt-based systems are stored in separated files because of API constraints. Read more at Internationalization.