.. _integrator_legacy_print: Print version 2.x ================= The print version 2.x cannot be used in the ngeo application be he still can be used in the CGXP application. The print version 3.x and the version 2.x cannot be used together. To use it you should: * Keep the print war in your repository. * Add ``PRINT_VERSION ?= 2`` in your project makefile. * Add in the ``vars`` of your project vars file: ``print_url: http://localhost:8080/print-{instanceid}/pdf/``. * Disable the print v3 checker and enable the print v2 one, edit your project vars file: .. code:: yaml vars: ... checker: defaults: ... routes_disable: [printproxy_capabilities] print_template: 1 A4 portrait print_center_lon: 600000 print_center_lat: 200000 print_scale: 10000 all: routes: - name: printproxy_info check_collector: # Verify that in the `.build/config.yaml` `checker_pdf3` is present, and not `checker_pdf`. disabled: [checker_pdf3] update_paths: - checker.all.routes Later on, if you want to use print version 3.x, follow the above instructions. * Remove your war file ``git rm print/print-servlet.war``. * Remove the ``PRINT_VERSION`` from your project makefile (default is 3). * In your project vars file remove the following keys: * ``vars/print_url`` * ``vars/checker/defaults/print_template`` * ``vars/checker/defaults/print_center_lon`` * ``vars/checker/defaults/print_center_lat`` * ``vars/checker/defaults/print_scale`` * Do not have ``printproxy_capabilities`` in ``vars/checker/defaults/routes_disable``. * Do not have a route named ``printproxy_info`` in ``vars/checker/defaults/routes``. * Do not have ``checker_pdf3`` in ``vars/check_collector/disabled``. * Have ``checker_pdf`` in ``vars/check_collector/disabled`` (it is possible that you can completely remove it). * Be sure that you do this thing in your project vars file: .. code:: yaml vars: ... checker: defaults: ... print_spec: layout: "1 A4 portrait" outputFormat: "pdf" attributes: title: "" comments: "" datasource: [] map: projection: "EPSG:21781" dpi: 254 rotation: 0 center: [600000, 200000] scale: 100000 longitudeFirst: true layers: [] legend: {}