.. _integrator_features: Additional features =================== This section describes how to add features to a c2cgeoportal project, and configure them. Adding a feature requires adding a *plugin* (CGXP plugin) to the user interface's *viewer*. It may also require additional steps, like adding and populating tables in the database. A c2cgeoportal project may define multiple viewers. By default a project includes two viewers: the *main viewer* and the *editing viewer*. The main viewer is defined in the ``/templates/viewer.js`` file, while the editing viewer is defined in the ``/templates/edit.js`` file. Each viewer includes a number of plugins by default; adding/removing features involve adding/removing plugins to/from the viewer. See http://docs.camptocamp.net/cgxp/2.2/lib/plugins.html for the list of available CGXP plugins. Features that require additional steps (most of the time): .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 ngeo subdomain fulltext_search editing print api https shortener reset_password wmstime security pdfreport legacy