.. _integrator_editing: Editing (with CGXP) =================== Any c2cgeoportal application comes with an editing interface, available at ``/edit`` (assuming ``/`` is the application's root URL). The editing interface requires the editing plugin (``cgxp.plugins.Editing``), which is provided by CGXP as of commit `58c931d `_. Make sure your application uses an appropriate version (commit) of CGXP. The editing interface is defined in the application's ``templates/edit.html`` and ``templates/edit.js`` files. The integrator can edit ``templates/edit.html`` and ``templates/edit.js`` to customize the editing interface. The integrator will probably need to: * Add base layers. * Change the map settings (``projection``, ``resolutions``, etc.). Other customizations, like adding tools to the toolbar, can be done. If layer sources and tools are added you will certainly need to edit ``jsbuild/app.cfg`` and add scripts in the ``[edit.js]`` sections. See the `Editing API doc `_ for the list of options the plugin can receive. Limitations ----------- At the moment only fields of type ``datetime`` and ``date`` are supported. ``time`` is NOT supported. Validation ---------- Checking the validity of a geometry may be enabled using the following configuration in ``vars_.yaml``: .. code:: yaml vars: ... layers: geometry_validation: True