Developer guide

This document contains instructions for Studio developers.

Install Studio from source

It is first required to install the system dependencies. Look at the installation guide for that.

It is highly recommended to install Studio in a virtual Python environment, so you’ll start with that.

Set up a virtual Python environment

Unix users will use this:

$ wget
$ tar xvzf virtualenv-1.4.8.tar.gz
$ cp virtualenv-1.4.8/ ./
$ rm -rf virtualenv-1.4.8
$ rm virtualenv-1.4.8.tar.gz

Windows users will download the file through their browsers and use a tool such as 7-zip from to extract the files.

You are now ready to create a virtual Python environment. Here’s how it looks like on Windows:

C:\>C:\Python25\python.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\" C:\env
New python executable in C:\env\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools..............done.

Here’s how it looks like on Unix:

$ python /path/to/new/virtual/env

You can create your virtual environment wherever you want.

Install Studio

Download Studio from gitorious:

$ git clone

Now that you have a virtual Python environment ready, you can proceed with the installation of Studio.

On Linux:

$ source /path/to/virtual/env/bin/activate
$ cd /path/to/Studio
$ python develop
$ python compile_catalog

This will install Studio and its dependencies, then compile the localization files for i18n.

Windows users need to adapt the above commands.

Build the documentation

To build the documentation, a Sphinx egg must first be installed in the virtual Python environment:

$ easy_install "Sphinx==1.0.7"

Buiding the doc is done as follows:

$ cd /path/to/Studio/docs
$ make html

This creates the HTML documentation in the /path/to/Studio/docs/.build directory, index.html being the entry point.

Sphinx documentation:

Run the automatic tests

To run the unit and functional tests run the nosetests command at the root of the project directory (the Studio directory):

$ nosetests -d

The nosetests documentation gives this for the -d switch:

Add detail to error output by attempting to evaluate
failed asserts [NOSE_DETAILED_ERRORS]

Authentication and authorization

The authentication and authorization system is based on the repoze middleware (repoze.who and repose.what).

Authentication is based on the following database tables :

  • user : this table contains users (id, user name, login, password)
  • group : this table contains groups (id, group name) and is linked to table ‘user’ in [n..n] relation
  • permission : this table contains permissions (id, permission name) and is linked to table ‘group’ in [n..n] relation

The authorization system will then allow a response based on group membership or permission check. In practical terms, you need to populate the database with some groups and permissions, then link each group with a set of permissions.

Once this is done, you will be able to allow or deny every action of controllers, using the @ActionProtector decorator and using built-in or custom predicates. You will find some good documentation on predicates, and a list of built-in predicates here:

So let’s go with a simple example. Imagine we want to deny access to action delete of our controller UsersController to all users except those who have the permission ‘delete users’. We simply need to add the decorator @ActionProtector with the build-in predicate has_permission('delete users') to our delete action:

from repoze.what.predicates import has_permission
from repoze.what.plugins.pylonshq import ActionProtector

class UsersController(BaseController):

    @ActionProtector(has_permission('delete users'))
    def delete(self):
        # [ ... ]
        return 'User deleted'

If the predicate has_permission('delete users') is not fulfilled, a 401 or 403 error will be returned.

You may also need to know the identity of the user logged in. You can achieve this by looking at repoze.what.credentials environnement variable. So the user login is accessible via:


HTTP Interfaces

This section describes the HTTP Interfaces the server side of Studio exposes.


Get the list of datastores

  • request: GET /datastores

  • response: a JSON document of this form:

        "datastores": [
                "text": "{datastore_name}",
                "href": "{datastore_href}",
                "type": "{datastore_type}",
                "id": {datastore_id}
  • success status code: 200 OK

  • manual test:

    curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/datastores

Get the information of a given datastore

  • request: GET /datastores/{datastore_id}

  • response: a JSON document of this form

        "datasources": [
                "text": "{datasource_name}",
                "leaf": [true|false],
                "type": "[RASTER|POINT|LINE|POLYGON]",
                "id": "{datasource_id}"
        "type": "[directory|postgis]",
        "id": {directory_id},
        "name": "{directory_name}"
  • success status code: 200 OK

  • notes:

    • {datasource_id} is a hash representing the datasource
  • manual test:

    curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/datastores/1


Get the list of datasources of a given datastore

  • request: GET /datastores/{datastore_id}/datasources

  • response: a JSON document of this form

        "datasources": [
                "href": "{datasource_href}",
                "text": "{datasource_name}",
                "leaf": true,
                "type": "[RASTER|POINT|LINE|POLYGON]",
                "id": "{datasource_id}"
  • success status code: 200 OK

  • notes:

    • {datasource_id} is a hash representing the datasource
  • manual test:

    curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/datastores/1/datasources

Get the mapfile excerpt for a given datasource

  • request: GET /datastores/{datastore_id}/datasources/{datasource_id}/mapfile

  • response: a JSON document representing the mapfile section for this datasource

  • manual test:

    curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/datastores/1/datasources/3dfa880a8e37bcc97ff8bbeb9aff7852/mapfile

Get the mapfile excerpt for a given datasource, with an automatic classification

  • request: GET /datastores/{datastore_id}/datasources/{datasource_id}/mapfile[?{classificationparams}]

  • the classifications params:

    • classification=[quantile|unique]: type of classification to apply
    • attribute={attribute_name}: name of the attribute
    • intervals={number_of_classes}: number of classes (applies only for quantile classification)
    • colortype=[ramp|qualitative]
  • ramp: interpolate between a start and end color

    • startcolor={rrggbb}: first color in ramp, in hexadecimal format without leading #
    • endcolor={rrggbb}: last color in ramp, in hexadecimal format without leading #
    • interpolation=[RGB|HSV]: in wich colorspace should the interpolation be done
  • qualitative: use a predefined palette

    • theme=[0|1|2.....|7]: which predefined palette to use
  • examples:

    • curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/datastores/1/datasources/3dfa880a8e37bcc97ff8bbeb9aff7852/mapfile?classification=quantile&startcolor=ff0000&endcolor=0000ff&attribute=POP2005&intervals=5
    • curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/datastores/1/datasources/3dfa880a8e37bcc97ff8bbeb9aff7852/mapfile?classification=quantile&colortype=ramp&interpolation=HSV&startcolor=ff2200&endcolor=0022ff&attribute=POP2005&intervals=7
    • curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/datastores/1/datasources/3dfa880a8e37bcc97ff8bbeb9aff7852/mapfile?classification=quantile&colortype=qualitative&theme=0&attribute=POP2005&intervals=5
    • curl -x GET http://localhost:5000/datastores/1/datasources/3dfa880a8e37bcc97ff8bbeb9aff7852/mapfile?classification=unique&colortype=qualitative&theme=0&attribute=REGION
  • response: a JSON document representing a default mapfile layer excerpt for this datasource

  • success status code: 200 OK

Get the columns of a given datasource

  • request: GET /datastores/{datastore_id}/datasources/{datasource_id}/columns

  • success status code: 200 OK

  • response body:

    { "columns": [
  • manual test:

    curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/datastores/1/datasources/3dfa880a8e37bcc97ff8bbeb9aff7852/columns

Create a new datasource

  • This action creates a new datasource within a given datastore by file upload. The request body must contains a single parameter datasources that contains the datasource, the parameter Content-Disposition must be form-data. This file can be a single file, a zip or a tar archive.
  • request: POST /datastores/{datastore_id}/datasources/
  • success status code: 201 CREATED


Get an empty mapfile skeleton

  • request: GET /mapfiles/default
  • response: a JSON document representing a mapfile

Get the list of mapfiles

  • request: GET /mapfiles

  • response: a JSON document of this form:

    { "maps": [
            "id": "{mapfile_id}",
            "href": "{mapfile_href}",
            "name": "{mapfile_name}"
  • success status code: 200 OK

Get an existing mapfile

  • request: GET /mapfiles/{mapfile_id}
  • response: a JSON document representing a mapfile
  • success status code: 200 OK

Get symbols from an existing mapfile

  • request: GET /mapfiles/{mapfile_id}/symbols

  • response: a JSON document representing symbols of a mapfile:

    { "symbols": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "dash"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "parking"
  • success status code: 200 OK

Get fonts from an existing mapfile

  • request: GET /mapfiles/{mapfile_id}/fonts

  • response: a JSON document representing fonts of a mapfile:

    { "fonts": [
            "id": "verdana",
            "name": "verdana"
            "id": "arial",
            "name": "arial"
  • success status code: 200 OK

Download an existing mapfile

  • request: GET /mapfiles/{mapfile_id}/download
  • response: return the mapfile as an attachment (browser should ask for opening file with an external editor)
  • success status code: 200 OK

Create a new mapfile

  • request: POST /mapfiles

  • request body: a JSON document representing a mapfile

  • success status code: 201 CREATED

  • response: a JSON document of this form:

        "id": "{mapfile_id}",
        "href": "{mapfile_href}",
        "name": "{mapfile_name}"

Update an existing mapfile

  • request: PUT /mapfiles/{mapfile_id}
  • request body: a JSON document representing a mapfile
  • success status code: 201 CREATED

Delete an existing mapfile

  • request: DELETE /mapfiles/{mapfile_id}
  • success status code: 204 No Content


Get the list of layertemplates

  • request: GET /layertemplates

  • response: a JSON document of this form:

    { "layertemplates": [
            "id": "{layertemplate_id}",
            "href": "{layertemplate_href}",
            "name": "{layertemplate_name}",
            "comment": "{layertemplate_comment}"
  • success status code: 200 OK

Get an existing layertemplate

  • request: GET /layertemplates/{layertemplate_id}

  • response: a JSON document of this form:

        "id": "{layertemplate_id}",
        "name": "{layertemplate_name}",
        "comment": "{layertemplate_comment}",
        "user_id": "{layertemplate_user_id}",
        "json": {
            // the json representing the layer template
  • success status code: 200 OK

Create a new layertemplate

  • request: POST /layertemplates

  • request body: a JSON document of this form:

        "name": "{layertemplate_name}",
        "comment": "{layertemplate_comment}",
        "json": {
            // the json representing the layer template
  • success status code: 201 CREATED

  • response: a JSON document of this form:

        "id": "{layertemplate_id}",
        "href": "{layertemplate_href}",
        "name": "{layertemplate_name}",
        "comment": "{layertemplate_comment}"

Update an existing layertemplate

  • request: PUT /layertemplates/{layertemplate_id}

  • request body: a JSON document of this form:

        "name": "{layertemplate_name}",
        "comment": "{layertemplate_comment}",
        "json": {
            // the json representing the layer template
  • success status code: 201 CREATED

Delete an existing layertemplate

  • request: DELETE /layertemplates/{layertemplate_id}
  • success status code: 204 No Content